Japan: The true history of the dog in Japan, most loyal A named Hachiko, who was a film and has made people almost Worldwide emotional because of the dog Hachiko the faithful has sit their owners are at work every day for the past 9 years, until it died in front of the train station Shibuya because it did not know that the owner had died of a stroke and could not go back to him again, but since the year 1925.
Because of his loyal dog named Hachiko dog made his image, sit in front of the train station in Shibuya, Japan. Recently, too, would like to remind pleasant when the dog Hachiko met its owner, another new sculpture was made by showing the dog Hachiko met her and jumped onto gladness.
However statues dog Hachiko met the owner of it is made of bronze, having exhibited in the courtyard of the Andes Pathé German agriculture university Tokyo to miss the anniversary, 90 years of the death of Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, the owner of the dog Hachico hired died while teaching students of Agriculture in 1925, why he did not go to meet the dog Hachico at the train station to walk with it home. On the other hand, as well as a reminder of the 80-year anniversary of the loss of the life of the dog Hachiko, who sat for 9 years.
However statues dog Hachiko met the owner of it is made of bronze, having exhibited in the courtyard of the Andes Pathé German agriculture university Tokyo to miss the anniversary, 90 years of the death of Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, the owner of the dog Hachico hired died while teaching students of Agriculture in 1925, why he did not go to meet the dog Hachico at the train station to walk with it home. On the other hand, as well as a reminder of the 80-year anniversary of the loss of the life of the dog Hachiko, who sat for 9 years.
It should be stressed that the sculpture showing the dog Hachiko met his emotional social network in Japan by the comment of a happy and cry when they saw the statue of Hachiko met its owner. That player recently social networks Facebook, many also share video of the story Hachi: A Dog's Tale, which has aired since 2010 in the United States, which is the true story of the dog Hachiko.
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